Day: October 20, 2022

Parent-Teacher Meet & Greet TONIGHT from 5-7 p.m

As a reminder, this evening is Parent-Teacher Meet & Greet from 5-7 p.m. Parents will be following students’ A-Day schedule to visit classrooms and interact with teachers. Teachers will review classroom expectations, coursework expectations and answer general questions about the course. Please follow the Fall Teacher Meet & Greet.pdf  as a guide for presentation times. Please note: parents of students in Grades 5-6 will follow a different schedule for periods 1-3 and then join everyone else at 6:00 p.m. for periods 5/6 to 11. 

Parents will also have a chance to meet with Guidance Counselors in Room 103, Student Support Team members in the Cafeteria Hallway as well as administrators on every floor. 

For those that do not have access to the Parent Portal, our Instructional Technology Coach, Mrs. Caccamise, will be available in the Library to help you login and access your child’s records. 

The Olmsted Parent Teacher Organization (OPTO) will have representatives available in the Middle School Cafeteria to share important information on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Please stop in and meet Ms. Hill our Parent Liaison and Mrs. Anderson our OPTO President. 

We look forward to seeing you tonight! 

Principal Cotto 

Red Ribbon Week is Coming…

Next week will be our red ribbon week at Olmsted!  Ribbons will be sold during lunch periods for 1$.  Students who donate a dollar will get entered into a raffle and receive a ribbon.  On Friday 10/28 students will wear their ribbon during the school week.  The Ribbons’ represent living a drug free life.  We encourage you to check out their website and share this information with students.  (