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Updates: Homecoming T-Shirts & Picture Day!

CONGRATULATIONS on a wonderful first week of school. Today, we close it out with the Back to School Bash with activities and games for all students. It will be a joyous time for us all as we seek to reconnect as an OWL family! 

We have a few updates on important events that are coming up… 

FLAG FOOTBALL: Students in Grades 6-8 will be eligible to sign up for flag football. The season runs September 20th to October 22nd. The Olmsted 156 students will be part of the NORTH TEAM  with students from Grabiarz, School 81, Highgate Heights, Hamlin Park and Community School #53. All practices and games will take place at Grabiarz according to the schedule and information provided below: 

FlagFB Flyer FALL 2022.pdf 

2022 Buffalo Fall Flag Football Schedule (1).pdf 

FlagFB Permission form.pdf 

To sign up, you must fill out the registration form online. Please note, transportation MUST BE PROVIDED BY THE PARENT. 

HOMECOMING: School Spirit and Homecoming Week is scheduled for September 26-30th. All students will participate in all Homecoming Events during the week, this includes school spirit days and a pep rally to close out the week and send our football players to WIN!  The t-shirt sale for Friday’s Pep Rally closes this MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th. Order yours today! 

The homecoming game is scheduled for Friday, September 30th, 7:00 p.m. at All High Stadium versus Maritime. The admission fee is $2 at the stadium.

The homecoming dance will be held at the school Saturday, October 1st from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Students in Grades 9-12 will be able to purchase tickets starting THIS WEDNESDAY September 14th during B and C Lunch. Ticket sales will run until September 28th or until they run out. Get yours as soon as possible. 

PICTURE DAY: Students in Grades 5-11 will take their school pictures on Friday, October 7th. Please see the attached flyer for more details: 2022 Fall Portrait Day.pdf 

As always, feel free to contact the school if you have any questions and/or concerns: (716) 816-4330.

Principal Cotto 

Welcome Back

Greetings Parents & Families of Frederick Law Olmsted at Kensington #156! 

September 6, 2022 marks the start of the 2022-23 School Year. We are excited to have you returning. Below you will find important information to help you get started on your first day: 

  • The Parent Forum, held via Zoom on Monday 8/29/22 provided information for parents on: 
    • Arrival and dismissal procedures 
    • Safety updates 
    • Transportation
    • OWLs Behavior Matrix 
    • Getting involved 
    • Upcoming Events 
  • You may watch the recording here. The presentation is attached: Parent Meeting 8.29.22.pdf 
  • Schedules are available and finalized on Infinite Campus. If you cannot access the Parent Portal app, all students will be directed to their homeroom upon arrival and provided a copy of their schedule. 
  • First day arrival: All students will be undergoing security checks at the door, please limit the amount of supplies and bags coming in. Students will not need all supply lists on their first day. 
    • All students taking NFTA transportation will be allowed to ride the bus for FREE on September 6th. Bus passes or temporary September-ONLY passes will be provided the first week of school. ​​​​​​​

If you missed previous correspondence, here are documents we have sent out that may assist you as you prepare for the new school year: 

Today, we received correspondence from our Superintendent, Dr. Tonja Williams. If you missed the email, you will find the documents attached: 2022 Welcome Back Letter Final.pdf 

As we continue to welcome our students, we will meet with grade levels Thursday, September 8th to review expectations and programming for the 22-23 School Year. Correspondence will follow with the 22-23 SY Handbook. We look forward to seeing every single one of you and catching up at the Back to School Bash Friday, September 9th! 

Enjoy your holiday weekend, 

Principal Cotto 

GALLERY: Olmsted Celebrates its NJHS 2022 Inductees

The following students have been inducted into the 2022 NJHS: 
Mia Abraham, Shiloh Brown, William Cambria, Kerrington Clouser, Raiyanul Ferdaws, Zachary Guido,  Mr. Wahabbi Halton, Priscilla Iheke, Elise Johnson, Greta Juliano, Yashika Kami, Shayel Khatiwoda, Sophia Little,  Iyanna Matthews, Makayla Matthews, Evan McDowell,  Jacob O’Dell , Malachi Ojeda, Istiaq Raihan, Davion Rushton, Vung Siam, My’aire Vinson-Gates, Anna Wheeler, Eh So Win, and  Anson Zhang 


NJHS Pics (you can download the originals here.)


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Our Owls Hit All the Right Notes at the Spring New York State School Music Association Solo Festival

This past Friday and Saturday several students from my orchestra program participated in a Spring New York State School Music Association Solo Festival. Students were evaluated on a 28-point rubric, by state trained adjudicators. All the students placed very high, congratulations to all who participated. 

156 Olivia Lyons 28/28 PERFECT SCORE!!!

156 Ethan Leong 27/28

156 Emily Crews-Dearing 26/28

156 Samaria Hicks 26/28156 Madison Matthews 26/28

156 Brittany Cruz-Ortiz 25/28156 Iyanna Matthews 25/28

156 Amelia Lyons 25/28

Scores 26-28 are rated Outstanding

Scores 21-25 are rated Excellent

Again, congratulations to all of our students, several of them began at 64 and are still playing their instrument at 156! What a beautiful collaboration between our two buildings. 

Mr. Thomas J. Mudd, Jr.

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