Dear Parents/Guardians,

If your child has not received their laptop or if they are having difficulty with their laptop you can submit their name to either myself or Mrs. Dulak, As soon as we get the email from you – the student’s name is submitted to the district. The district will send a letter to you detailing the time and place to pick up the laptop.

A copy of the district’s grading policy is on the district website. This is the policy that will be followed until the end of the year. Students need to complete the work assigned to them. However, this is a difficult situation and I ask that students, teachers and parents just do the best they can. Sometimes less is more and quality is better than quantity. I am asking all members of the Olmsted family to be easy on yourselves and only do what you can do.

As a school we still have a number of students with whom we have not had any contact. Contact can be by phone, text, e-mail. We want to make sure we have communication with all of our students.

If you have had a change of address, e-mail, or telephone – please e-mail your new information to me and I will get it updated. It takes about 24 hours for a turnaround in the system. If you have moved out of the district, please let us know.

I know all of us have knowledge of someone affected by the COVID-19. At Olmsted we have had the parent of a student, the parent of a teacher, and grandparents  of students pass away. Many family members of both students, staff and former staff have been ill or are currently ill with the virus. Please keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Finally, our Student Support Team is available should you have any concerns.

Take care of yourselves.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Home,

Mike Gruber