Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you may already know Governor Cuomo closed schools for the remainder of the school year. The spring sports season is also officially ended. This is hard for kids as well as for adults, but the safety and well-being of our students is paramount. Closer to the end of the school year arrangements will be made for students to clear lockers and return school materials.I sent e-mails today to all students and all staff asking that they take some time for themselves. This weekend I asked that they forget about school – listen to music, play a game, go outside  (but socially distance) – physical and mental well-being is just as important as academic well-being – if not more so. I know from the e-mails I’ve received from both students and teachers that people are struggling and they need time to refresh and refocus. You as parents also need time to relax – so make time for yourselves. For those of your on the frontlines in dealing with this crisis, I say thank you on behalf of the entire Olmsted School family.

Stay Safe,

Mike Gruber