Creativity in Bloom

Tonight from 6-8 pm, we will celebrate our annual Creativity in Bloom. Parents and guests will view a wide array of student work and witness demonstrations of student talent. It’s easy to look at the various pieces of student work and say “Aren’t these students creative” without really thinking about the specific skills students utilize in producing the end-product. Creativity has a knowledge base. Students have to have a strong set of foundational skills to draw upon before they begin to create.  There are also discrete creative or critical thinking skills used behind each drawing produced, display created, and performance given. Students draw upon the creative thinking skills of fluency, elaboration, flexibility and originality to think about, select and give life to their product. They also put to use critical thinking skills to design and evaluate the end product. The work of each student took time and effort and called upon many thinking skills. As you look at the student work, enjoy it, but also reflect on the skills the students used to come up with their final product.

Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it’s produced the most extraordinary results in human culture.

  • Ken Robinson